ASUS USB-N13 Wireless Adapter keeps malfunctioning I think (Ubuntu ) Click Here to receive this Complete Guide absolutely free. Any help is greatly appreciated. Every so often, the Wi-Fi connection just stops working, but the indicator says that I’m still connected. Well I’m a noob also but I’m happy to answer this question for you. Asus usb n13 ubuntu with a Ralink chipsetand B1 uguntu a Realtek chipset. Since the downloaded drivers are in source code form, we’ll need to asus usb n13 ubuntu build them before we can install and use them.
I don't have built in lan/wifi in my laptop because the chip was fried during a storm so i'm completely dependent on my ASUS USB-N13 wifi for internet. From the time i was running the install (2 days ago) i've been unable to keep a consistent connection to the internet as it always gets disconnected. It doesn't show it getting disconnected, it just times out. I've read about everything I could find and am still just absolutely stumped. I'm no linux guru but i've never had such a frustrating time with anything in linux. So much to my dismay i'm making a post about. Archlinux has picked up the stick without problems from the get go so I haven't installed the driver because most of what i read says the default should be good enough.
It was timing out when retreiving packages for the install as well, but after about 20 minutes of failing to reach the mirrors it would kick back on and continue downloading. Same happens in the gnome now unless i manually disconnect and reconnect from the network, disable or enable the usb dongle, or unplug and plug in the usb dongle.
Im not sure what else to say other then i'm now using network manager in gnome to handle it now. Heres what i get with dmesg. Oh you didnt mention a few things never mind what it said sometimes a different driver does the trick beautifully.
Keep experimenting and screwing around youll get it right its not that you did anything wrong, its just that you havnt done anything right.(?)anyway thisll give you another bump and maybe one of these subgeniouses will help. Im a ethernet kinda guy but I know wifi is tricky and finicky read the wiki and be perseverant youll get it.good luck! Sadly I am just not confident enough to try and mess with soldered components or i'd try replacing it. I'm going to give it another read and try some things and hope someone can provide some additional expertise. Thanks again!
I'd just like to say that I 'solved' this problem. But first the problem, the device was didn't work. That's all that I could figure out. I installed every possible driver, used ndiswrapper, and nothing worked. Problem was even happening in windows.
I had just bought this device and returned the defective unit in favor of a Panda Ultra Wifi adapater from amazon. Half the price (12.99) and is plug and play with Arch/Suse/Ubuntu in my testings. (comp/laptop/gf's laptop) I also bought a Pluggabe usb ethernet adapter thats plug in play as well.
Both devices cost the price of that one POS adapter. So i'm happy and my problems solved. I love asus but I won't be buying anymore usb wireless adapters from them. Last edited by johnsmith (2013-08-28 03:42:42).
. Actual data throughput and WiFi coverage will vary from network conditions and environmental factors, including the volume of network traffic, building material and construction, and network overhead, result in lower actual data throughput and wireless coverage. Quoted network speeds and bandwidth based on current IEEE 802.11ac specifications. Actual performance may be affected by network and service provider factors, interface type, and other conditions.
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Connected devices must be 802.11ac-compatible for best results.